Today we are talking outright with two luminaries of Italian and English Doom of a new wave - Marco Z and Roberto M. We should discuss many questions concerning rich creative life of these musicians, friends and simply good guys, and also the near-term outlooks of collectives on which both have a direct bearing. This interview is mainly dated for a new release of Arcana Coelestia that is a group which was personaly collected Marco - one from heroes of our evening and I want to hope for possibility of further conversations with , and so far we move forward!
Hi, Marko, today are you the central figure in the our talking or still someone from your companions on a scene too wishes to join in conversation?
M: Yes, me and Roberto be will ready to answer on your questions.
Well, then we will begin from a quotient and gradually we will come to the common). Where will bring our conversation still it isn't known but actually it is faced by enough questions to which it should answer) Roberto Mura - your workmate in many projects. How your roads were crossed?
M: I met Roberto many years ago in the most classical way for a band, through an advertisement sticked on a bulletin board where he was searching musicians to join a thrash/black metal band. After few years of rehearsals and then line up changes we formed Urna (our another project) as a duo, where i compose all the music and with Roberto in the role of singer and lyrics writer. He joined Arcana Coelestia this year to replace temporarily Luca (aka Ls) the singer who sang on our previous records (Le Mirage de l'Ideal and our debut Ubi Secreta Colunt) who couldn't perform in Nomas for personal reasons. I chose Roberto first of all because we are longtime friends, and because I respect his vocal talents, so it there is no better choice for this replacement.
I look that you don't linger and you actively participate in many musical collectives. I approximately am aware of your serious activities, but tell for our readers about with what groups you already managed to work on the career?

M: Me and Roberto formed a black metal project in 2005 called Locus Mortis (that is no longer active) because we wished to separate fast Black Metal style with the doom style of Arcana Coelestia and Urna. With Locus Mortis we released two album, "Inter Uterum et Loculum" and "Voust", anyone who wish to listen them and loves Black Metal in his classical shape could find album downloads searching with Google. In the last year also i take part as drummer with two great doom bands, Aphonic Threnody and Dea Marica. whose records were released recently. In the past years I also worked as sound engineer with many bands beside from my own projects, including Progenie Terrestre Pura, an italian avantgarde metal band who i suggest to your readers.
M: It's a bit difficult to answer at this question, I always try to keep the projects completely separated, but the truth is that I have anyway to write music for each of them so it's inevitable that there may be some common features.
Recently pleased the appearance of the next release of Arcana Coelestia, which is very clearly disclosed and solid atmosphere of mourning and gloomy grandeur. Do you think that if this work has reached that level in terms of skill and maturity, which you probably aspire as any musician?
M: I don't know, perfection doesn't belongs to this earth, so it think is almost impossible for a musician to be totally satisfied from his own work. I consider "Nomas" as a great album, and the best for what i wish in this moment of my life, but next album could be different, and in that moment will be the perfect album just for that period of my life. I only follow my emotions when i write new songs, so i don't care too much about skill level and maturity, i can compare this aspect with the photography: when you press the button of your photocamera you don't care if you are old or too young, you just take a picture of what you are in that single moment; when you'll do the next photo shot, maybe you will be a different person or maybe not. This happens to the music as well i think..
You have probably already formed an audience of connoisseurs of your creativity, three albums that helped. So what comments for the last album to date "Nomas" you have already met?
M: People seem very excited for the new album, perhaps could be the wait of four years to have created a sort of hype with this release, anyway we haven't yet received any official review because the album will be released physically in October, in each case for us is definitely a success and we are satisfied with our own work.
By the help of the Avantgarde music?
M: Sure, Avangarde Music will give us total support with promotion.
Well, first preview, then release - now we know what we're going to deal with! Would you like to expand the scope of their releases and publish albums for example in the Russia?
M: I don't know honestly about their plans, but i think that today with internet all people in every part of the world could buy a cd through mailorder
Marco, you have a hand in another project from those which are mentioned above. I'm talking about Aphonic Threnody. how important for you to this project?
M: Aphonic Threnody is an important project even if i'm not the main songwrite, my role with them is just drumming and mixing albums, their main songwriter is Riccardo (despite the italian name he was born and live in england). I love to play with them because they are all cool people and great musicians too, the other good thing with Aphonic Threnody is that we can play with guys who live far from my country, it's a multinational project where each of us can give his contribute. A very exciting experience for me
Aphonic Threnody are preparing a new album? Impressive teaser))
R: Well.. yeah! We've got the new album coming out October the 31st for Dommentia Records and it's a real great deal for us as Doomentia is probably one of the best labels around so far in terms of doom and extreme doom in general. On top of that we' completed the recordings for a song goin on a new split album on which our new keys player Juan from Astor Voltaires performed. And there's loads more goin on. Really a lot!
As far as I know, as part of this team collaborates with you a musician, which can be attributed to the coryphaeus of European Doom, Kostas Panagiotou , how he had joined to you?
M: I know Kostas through my collaboration with Aphonic Threnody, he's a musician and a person who i admire for his musical skills and more. When i was searching a musician to play keys on Arcana Coelestia i've ask immediately to him because i know well how he works with the bands. When he gave me the first track recordings i've just said one word: amazing! It was the right sound i was searching for, he made all the stuff with his analogue gear and result is great in my opinion, i hope i will continue collaborate with him for further projects!
How are things going with Dea Marica?
M: New album is work in progress, Riccardo recorded all guitars and i already did all my drum parts. I think whis winter Roberto will add vocals and the album will be ready to be released. I don't know exactly when and which label do this, but for sure the album will be released on the first half of 2015.
In Dea Marica is an artful blend of epic and aggression seems to be very interesting, based on their that in the music, presented at the existing in albums of the project can be traced influence of the Doom in the spirit of the unforgettable Swedish Isole in contrast to the good old school Death Doom Metal. How was born a nontrivial approach in terms of sound?
R: When we first started Dea Marica with Riccardo Veronese, his idea was mainly to have a few little grunts now and than to make the basic doom sound a little heavier. Once in studio we started rehearsing and I think he liked my growling voice. While for the first EP the songs were already written, for the second one he created tracks which could benefit of my "less-clean-vocals" and could be more dynamic from that point of view. So it happened that the first full-lenght got shaped and Marco did an amazing job with his drumming merging perfectly into the two contest and melting them together.

You said you do not like to play on live concerts ... is this true or am I a bit wrong to have understood it?
M: We doesn't perform live because it's too difficult for us to have the time to make rehearsals, weall live in different cities, and we got our own works, so it's very difficult for us to organize a live show. Anyway i don't like italian live organization, i don't like those situations where people comes accidentally to hear you just because that night they are going there just to drink a beer and listen some music. I prefer to keep for now Arcana Coelestia as a studio band, to preserve the band atmospheres that a live show with all his problems may spoil.
As I see it's not just an opinion, this is the aspect that determines your own approach to making music and giving it to a specific shape. But in general, that you said about Doom Metal as a cultural phenomenon?
M: I always loved doom metal, expecially funeral subgenre, but i don't like to see music as a cultural phenomenon, because when a thing becomes "cultural" for me is equivalent to a trend, or better, to a standard way to live a specific musical genre. I'm a supporter of individualism and freedom, i love to have my own ideas and transpose the world around me filtered by my own vision of things. I can make the example of black metal, it started just as genuine underground music and then became a cultural phenomenon too, it was the beginning of the end, with all those people emulating norwegian black metal bands that period is finished, and all that remains is just the music and all the good albums they did. I hope that doom metal will never be something like that, and will keep its "defilated" nature despite of trends and similar things.
Call your masterminds? Which teams at one time influenced the diversity and breadth your musical opinions?
R: I'm not sure I get it right... but well, influencially, my dad and uncles were into rock and some of my uncles were born during the '50s so by the end of the '60s they were mainly into the psychedelic trend. My older brother was into rock and metal after that and he's been living the best of the '80s and '90s. My second older brother grown up with metal and grunge... and after that... there I am growing with metal and extreme metal. I think I've basically always been living in a rock/metal environment. I think the artists who changed my way of percieving music as a kid have been Metallica, the Maiden, Pantera, Paradise Lost, Type O Negative, Death SS and later on more extreme acts. I still remember for example gettin in the music store close to my city and spending countless minutes goin through the amazing cover arts of bands such as early Entombed, Death, Cannibal Corpse and the whole old death metal scene! Those were great times.
M: It's difficult to say which are my greatest influences.. i can just name a few band who i admire so much, the first that i have in mind in this moment, i can say Summoning, Death, Type O Negative, Strapping Young Lad, Morbid Angel, and Mayhem (De Mysteriis era).
But the list could be more longer!
In all bands, with whom you have had the pleasure to deal with a lot of Italians, despite the fact that these groups officially based in the United Kingdom. Amazing, is not it?
R: I found pretty difficoult as a foreingner finding musicians to play with in UK. When I found someone like Riccardo it has been easier to get things done with musicians from Italy and living maybe in Italy than with Brits just able to talk and waste our time and money. So we kept working that way. It's annoying considering it makes it really difficoult to have the change to play live but on the other side we've got so much more energies to spend on recordings rather than traveling to meet each other and stay in studio for hours maybe just jaming on one track.
What do you wanted to add yet, appealing to all who read this article?
R & M: Loads is goin on with all of our projects. Soon great news from Dea Marica, Urna, Aphonic Threnody and of course Arcana Coelestia! If you like our music pop by our Fb page and leave a comment. It's always great to deal with you guys out there and we really appreciate your support and opinions! Thanks to you and Vitaly for the interview! Hope to have a chat again soon!
Aphonic Threnody - "First Funeral"
Hi, Marko, today are you the central figure in the our talking or still someone from your companions on a scene too wishes to join in conversation?
M: Yes, me and Roberto be will ready to answer on your questions.
Well, then we will begin from a quotient and gradually we will come to the common). Where will bring our conversation still it isn't known but actually it is faced by enough questions to which it should answer) Roberto Mura - your workmate in many projects. How your roads were crossed?
M: I met Roberto many years ago in the most classical way for a band, through an advertisement sticked on a bulletin board where he was searching musicians to join a thrash/black metal band. After few years of rehearsals and then line up changes we formed Urna (our another project) as a duo, where i compose all the music and with Roberto in the role of singer and lyrics writer. He joined Arcana Coelestia this year to replace temporarily Luca (aka Ls) the singer who sang on our previous records (Le Mirage de l'Ideal and our debut Ubi Secreta Colunt) who couldn't perform in Nomas for personal reasons. I chose Roberto first of all because we are longtime friends, and because I respect his vocal talents, so it there is no better choice for this replacement.
Arcana Coelestia

M: Me and Roberto formed a black metal project in 2005 called Locus Mortis (that is no longer active) because we wished to separate fast Black Metal style with the doom style of Arcana Coelestia and Urna. With Locus Mortis we released two album, "Inter Uterum et Loculum" and "Voust", anyone who wish to listen them and loves Black Metal in his classical shape could find album downloads searching with Google. In the last year also i take part as drummer with two great doom bands, Aphonic Threnody and Dea Marica. whose records were released recently. In the past years I also worked as sound engineer with many bands beside from my own projects, including Progenie Terrestre Pura, an italian avantgarde metal band who i suggest to your readers.
In generally all these groups have among themselves much in common, or you are inclined to consider them as "self-sufficient" projects?
M: It's a bit difficult to answer at this question, I always try to keep the projects completely separated, but the truth is that I have anyway to write music for each of them so it's inevitable that there may be some common features.
Recently pleased the appearance of the next release of Arcana Coelestia, which is very clearly disclosed and solid atmosphere of mourning and gloomy grandeur. Do you think that if this work has reached that level in terms of skill and maturity, which you probably aspire as any musician?
M: I don't know, perfection doesn't belongs to this earth, so it think is almost impossible for a musician to be totally satisfied from his own work. I consider "Nomas" as a great album, and the best for what i wish in this moment of my life, but next album could be different, and in that moment will be the perfect album just for that period of my life. I only follow my emotions when i write new songs, so i don't care too much about skill level and maturity, i can compare this aspect with the photography: when you press the button of your photocamera you don't care if you are old or too young, you just take a picture of what you are in that single moment; when you'll do the next photo shot, maybe you will be a different person or maybe not. This happens to the music as well i think..
M: People seem very excited for the new album, perhaps could be the wait of four years to have created a sort of hype with this release, anyway we haven't yet received any official review because the album will be released physically in October, in each case for us is definitely a success and we are satisfied with our own work.
By the help of the Avantgarde music?
M: Sure, Avangarde Music will give us total support with promotion.
Well, first preview, then release - now we know what we're going to deal with! Would you like to expand the scope of their releases and publish albums for example in the Russia?
M: I don't know honestly about their plans, but i think that today with internet all people in every part of the world could buy a cd through mailorder
Marco, you have a hand in another project from those which are mentioned above. I'm talking about Aphonic Threnody. how important for you to this project?
M: Aphonic Threnody is an important project even if i'm not the main songwrite, my role with them is just drumming and mixing albums, their main songwriter is Riccardo (despite the italian name he was born and live in england). I love to play with them because they are all cool people and great musicians too, the other good thing with Aphonic Threnody is that we can play with guys who live far from my country, it's a multinational project where each of us can give his contribute. A very exciting experience for me
Aphonic Threnody are preparing a new album? Impressive teaser))
R: Well.. yeah! We've got the new album coming out October the 31st for Dommentia Records and it's a real great deal for us as Doomentia is probably one of the best labels around so far in terms of doom and extreme doom in general. On top of that we' completed the recordings for a song goin on a new split album on which our new keys player Juan from Astor Voltaires performed. And there's loads more goin on. Really a lot!
M: I know Kostas through my collaboration with Aphonic Threnody, he's a musician and a person who i admire for his musical skills and more. When i was searching a musician to play keys on Arcana Coelestia i've ask immediately to him because i know well how he works with the bands. When he gave me the first track recordings i've just said one word: amazing! It was the right sound i was searching for, he made all the stuff with his analogue gear and result is great in my opinion, i hope i will continue collaborate with him for further projects!
How are things going with Dea Marica?
M: New album is work in progress, Riccardo recorded all guitars and i already did all my drum parts. I think whis winter Roberto will add vocals and the album will be ready to be released. I don't know exactly when and which label do this, but for sure the album will be released on the first half of 2015.
In Dea Marica is an artful blend of epic and aggression seems to be very interesting, based on their that in the music, presented at the existing in albums of the project can be traced influence of the Doom in the spirit of the unforgettable Swedish Isole in contrast to the good old school Death Doom Metal. How was born a nontrivial approach in terms of sound?
R: When we first started Dea Marica with Riccardo Veronese, his idea was mainly to have a few little grunts now and than to make the basic doom sound a little heavier. Once in studio we started rehearsing and I think he liked my growling voice. While for the first EP the songs were already written, for the second one he created tracks which could benefit of my "less-clean-vocals" and could be more dynamic from that point of view. So it happened that the first full-lenght got shaped and Marco did an amazing job with his drumming merging perfectly into the two contest and melting them together.

You said you do not like to play on live concerts ... is this true or am I a bit wrong to have understood it?
M: We doesn't perform live because it's too difficult for us to have the time to make rehearsals, weall live in different cities, and we got our own works, so it's very difficult for us to organize a live show. Anyway i don't like italian live organization, i don't like those situations where people comes accidentally to hear you just because that night they are going there just to drink a beer and listen some music. I prefer to keep for now Arcana Coelestia as a studio band, to preserve the band atmospheres that a live show with all his problems may spoil.
As I see it's not just an opinion, this is the aspect that determines your own approach to making music and giving it to a specific shape. But in general, that you said about Doom Metal as a cultural phenomenon?
M: I always loved doom metal, expecially funeral subgenre, but i don't like to see music as a cultural phenomenon, because when a thing becomes "cultural" for me is equivalent to a trend, or better, to a standard way to live a specific musical genre. I'm a supporter of individualism and freedom, i love to have my own ideas and transpose the world around me filtered by my own vision of things. I can make the example of black metal, it started just as genuine underground music and then became a cultural phenomenon too, it was the beginning of the end, with all those people emulating norwegian black metal bands that period is finished, and all that remains is just the music and all the good albums they did. I hope that doom metal will never be something like that, and will keep its "defilated" nature despite of trends and similar things.
Call your masterminds? Which teams at one time influenced the diversity and breadth your musical opinions?
R: I'm not sure I get it right... but well, influencially, my dad and uncles were into rock and some of my uncles were born during the '50s so by the end of the '60s they were mainly into the psychedelic trend. My older brother was into rock and metal after that and he's been living the best of the '80s and '90s. My second older brother grown up with metal and grunge... and after that... there I am growing with metal and extreme metal. I think I've basically always been living in a rock/metal environment. I think the artists who changed my way of percieving music as a kid have been Metallica, the Maiden, Pantera, Paradise Lost, Type O Negative, Death SS and later on more extreme acts. I still remember for example gettin in the music store close to my city and spending countless minutes goin through the amazing cover arts of bands such as early Entombed, Death, Cannibal Corpse and the whole old death metal scene! Those were great times.
M: It's difficult to say which are my greatest influences.. i can just name a few band who i admire so much, the first that i have in mind in this moment, i can say Summoning, Death, Type O Negative, Strapping Young Lad, Morbid Angel, and Mayhem (De Mysteriis era).
But the list could be more longer!
In all bands, with whom you have had the pleasure to deal with a lot of Italians, despite the fact that these groups officially based in the United Kingdom. Amazing, is not it?
R: I found pretty difficoult as a foreingner finding musicians to play with in UK. When I found someone like Riccardo it has been easier to get things done with musicians from Italy and living maybe in Italy than with Brits just able to talk and waste our time and money. So we kept working that way. It's annoying considering it makes it really difficoult to have the change to play live but on the other side we've got so much more energies to spend on recordings rather than traveling to meet each other and stay in studio for hours maybe just jaming on one track.
What do you wanted to add yet, appealing to all who read this article?
R & M: Loads is goin on with all of our projects. Soon great news from Dea Marica, Urna, Aphonic Threnody and of course Arcana Coelestia! If you like our music pop by our Fb page and leave a comment. It's always great to deal with you guys out there and we really appreciate your support and opinions! Thanks to you and Vitaly for the interview! Hope to have a chat again soon!
Arcana Coelestia - "Nomas"
Dea Marica - "Lady Greensleeves" (Curse Of The Haunted [2013])
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