суббота, 8 ноября 2014 г.

Imbaru 'Las Cadenas Del Epitafio'

Genre: Neo-folk, Ambient
Country: Chilie
Year: Self-released in September 2012
Released 03 August 2014 by GS Production

Now came the Autumn - a time of slow withering and preparation of the nature for immersion in a deep sleep... So, while all flesh makes the compelled withdrawal to rest, we also  will stop for a while that to look  on  sides  and  already under a new corner to look at what we are usually can not see, having twirled in daily problems and cares which don't allow us to behold all charm of those things that found the reflection in the melodies and sounds living on the "Las Cadenas Del Epitafio" - one from plate from a number of transcendental works Chilean neo-folk project Imbaru.

For a start I would like to note that this work as two accompanying to it, is recorded in enviable high quality, properly, that gives the chance more deeply to feel the thoughtful, unhurried mystical party of the album "Las Cadenas Del Epitafio".  In interview with Caminante Silencioso it was told that all three albums which recently had published on the Russian label the GSP, are connected by one concept divided into 3 chapters where it isn't allocated any chronological frameworks, each part of this idea is identified with separately taken season and to some extent transfers vision of the nature, the real dialogue with it... 

"Las Cadenas Del Epitafio" is devoted to the Autumn and the withering beauty which is present only at this season. Of separate words are deserved by design of the album. The naked branches of trees shrouded in gray fog waft the grief and melancholy, poor landscapes is coloring in black-and-white tone, melancholy owning by the sleepy nature. Thus it is possible to speak about full compliance of a visual form with the musical contents of an album. As for the contents, it is submitted by exclusively instrumental themes that is one of characteristic features of creativity of this project. Such approach allows to concentrate completely on the musical concept of  the "Las Cadenas Del Epitafio", having laid aside any delicacies which if only distracted from that mysterious and penetrating atmosphere expressed by the author in the creation as result of deep perception of the nature passing from light to darkness, from bright paints to a sad gray palette, an underlined foggy haze.

Also in record of material it is involved many samples created from "surrounding" sounds. Singing of birds in the first track "Apertura a la Niebla" opens the album. You can imagine lonely walk among the wood early in the morning time, in an environment of fogs in a cold drizzle? Carefully going on a cover from the rustling foliage to go somewhere being in  deep thoughts and feelings generated by loneliness and the silence reigning in this lonely place. 

For description of this concept the emphasis is placed on penetrating and sensual sounding of the keyboard parties bewitching the improbable expressiveness, purity, artistry... The author places emphasis first of all on the tremendous, alive, sincere atmosphere in which so many emotions and experiences are involved. It should be noted that melodies, with which this album abounds don't aspire to the academic heights, material at all  is not difficult for perception, at each sound there are a simplicity and ease. Generally in process his creations are involved keyboards and a classical guitar - they that and are universal means of expression of the mood prevailing on the album. 

Though in some places it is possible to hear flute which especially brightly acts in a track of "Grietas de Sauco Parte I". "Of the flute the plaintive the tune" sets the thoughtful and sad intonation to this mini-composition that arranged thin, unostentatious piano and accurate guitar accompanying from the beginnings until the end of composition "Grietas de Sauco" which on an album is divided into three parts. I think that for whom that already knows and loves the creativity of this modest Chilean, prepared for release already the 4th album, it is impossible to avoid one recent premier of the project, is the first official clip which was shot under the exciting guitar accompaniment. As a soundtrack for this video  was taken the track from the discussed album - "Canto Gris". As a result turned out something reminding the short film, which idea it is concentrated on contemplation of pictures of nature and internal dramatic nature. Despite that in video the was used a phonogram, everything is made very qualitatively - as if it is live game, but in same time, quality soundings of music too good to speak about natural execution. But it not significantly, time doesn't break integrity sound and video tracks, on the contrary, is shown very much reptured, soulful party of this work. Bewitches not less sung without the words "Elegia". Tere is the tendency to wider sound variety. Slow searches of strings of an acoustic guitar, cool background and appearing in it echoes maracases - all this in the noise of a rain creates space, having appeared in which there is a wish to be disconnected from vanity and it is simple to listen as heavy drops of a rain fall, the wind moves branches of trees as under feet the wet foliage rustles, in are far birds chirp... and to feel the unity with the nature.

After "Grietas de Sauco Parte II" I want purely conditionally to allocate it as chapter #2. Relay with ease is picked up by keyboard's "Vientos Otonales" which like a cool breeze, - gentle, penetrating sensual, carries away on the weightless wings far beyond city bustle, there, from where there is no wish at all to come back. The grief is replaced by some gleams of hope, music plays shades. The track of the same name "Las Cadenas Del Epitafio" also has a peculiar character, entirely and completely fascinating the exciting sequences. Analog guitar's sounding, lingering, but at the same time the very rhythmical and exited calls a desire  a little cry, having settled down under weighty branches of the flown trees.

With the third part of the album "Grietas de Sauco III", - the track putting final under the masterpiece "Las Cadenas Del Epitafio" and by final notes lays down  ending composition - the album epilogue . I consider that "Aurora" - the one of the best places that can be heard on this album. This most sensual and deep composition, there is a wish to listen to it again and again, without distracting more on what... Only the sleepy world covered by a dense veil of fog and the melancholy concluded in this quiet and lonely corner of the nature... 

In general, my attitude towards this creation is obvious to all who read this review. It is really magnificent work which shouldn't remain unnoticed and forgotten. In it is enclosed too much, it demands same, if not bigger return.

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