A little time ago the casket of releases of a young Moscow label the GS Production replenished with re-release of the full album "Pris la Gorge", and this music work also is last for today and pertained to the Canadian quartet the Milanku. Such step as desire to approximate the own creative and for the Russian audience couldn't attract our attention and thus was decided to talk with musicians that we can know better who is Milanku, and at the same time to discuss their last release. But nevertheless for me very bribing factor was that these guys play high-quality emotional music with various influences among which the share of post-rock and a graceful atmospheric sound prevails, and all texts write in French. So, now with us Carl Rust!
Hello, guys! I suggest you to begin our interview with short digression. Introduce, please, tell about that as borned a thought to create group and why it has such name is "Milanku"?
Milanku was born in autumn 2006. The name comes from the Czech author Milan Kundera. I enjoyed almost all of his work and then came the idea of Milanku. Also, Milanku is a character in the novel “La Lenteur”, wich relates to the idea that the as fast as the modern world and modern life goes, as fast as we forget our roots and our past. "Milanku" is about nostalgia and deep feelings for life.
Milanku is a team, therefore tell please for us how you have a division of duties in band?
Creation process in Milanku is quite open. Someone might come with a guitar idea, and then we had all the rest. We work a lot on the structure of each songs and the pattern of the riffs. Most of the time, the guitars complete each other and we do not play the same thing.
As for the “complementary” work, someone is in charge of the emails (me!!), and at the same time another would be more in the facebook stuff and the booking shows stuff. We try to equilibrate the load work. Every week we come with a more or less short appointment to settle what we have to do, or what we didn’t…
In April of this year in Russia, on a label the GSP was made re-realise of album the "Pris la Gorge" of limit edition of 100 digipacks. Why you chose this album and how you decided to republish it on the Russian label?
We were very proud and very happy when Vitaly got in touch with us. We are happy that our music comes to life in other part of the world, since we do not “spread the word” a lot…. We are not that concentrate in promoting our music…. But in any case, we want to continue getting more fans in Russia. We did choose “Pris à la Gorge” because we think it’s our more mature work at the moment, and also the most recent.

During the previous question I would like to know how you are estimating the re-realise of Pris la Gorge? In a result of this process had been a new version of album some qualitative and quantitative changes or it remained in initial form?
It more or less stays the same! GSP re-release all of the tracks that already was on the original version. We wanted it to stay the same, since it’s an entity in itself.
You use very original approach to material writing that speaks about identity of Milanku. But nevertheless, have you any orientations on concrete genres of music or it there isn't an important moment in creative of Milanku?
The creative process is very important. Sometimes, we just play new stuff and if we like it, we will continue in that way. We play as it comes. But, for instance, if we think that it’s not at all in the vein of Milanku, we might change it a bit or play these songs only for fun.
We all listen or get inspired from different genres… Also, we all have some side projects, so when it’s time to concentrate on Milanku, we are totally ready to play stuff that inspire us. We also play very loud!
It is known that in Canada an English and French languages have the identical status of state languages. However for the majority of musicians and performers from all parts of the world more preferably to use English, and they are explaining it with the international value of this language and the desire to make lyrics of songs, that most accessible for the listeners from different parts of the world. Milanku decided to stop in French. Why?
We are are French speaking form birth. It’s our first language. Therefore, we thought that it could be a plus value for Milanku to write in French. It is also our identity as a group. I must admit that a lot of people are saying that anyways, they do not understand clearly the words that we are singing!!
Where you find inspiration and how main thematic for lyric of your songs?
We inspire our lyrics in the nostalgia of everyday life. On “Pris à la Gorge”, for instance, the concept of the album is the long way that leads to depression. For example, the first song is “La Chute”, which refers to the very forts stage of the sickness. Then follows the “Inhibition”, "Nausea", "Anthalgie"…
The concept of the album refers to a more general idea that the world we live in can also be a very cruel place that leads to people feeling bad, and sad.
Do you participate in concerts?
Of course!!! We went for a Japan tour last year. We also do concerts here in Canada. At the moment, we are working on new stuff, o we want to concentrate on those new songs. We don’t participate in concerts at the moment.
What plans has your band for the near future? Are you going to write a new material or you will make a respite?
We are currently working on new material. We want to release new album this autumn or at the beginning of next year. We have a new guitarist, since the other left the bad for personal and professional purposes. We also want to release a two songs EP this end of summer/autumn.
How many reviews about music of the Milanku do you read and how the criticism (if it there is) influences on your creativity? In other words, how you perceive opinions of the listeners which write comments or reviews if it have a critical character?
We try to concentrate on what we like. Of course, we read the critics, but they could be not very influential for creation. We try to get outside of the box and we want to improve our performances. The thing we want is to always renew ourselves.
Tell about the previous works and how changed music of Milank under the moment of release of Pris la gorge? Or on this aldum take place any early works of group ?
The “Pris à la Gorge” album was create in about a year and a half. We do not include previous works. I think on this album we took more our time to work on the melodies than before. We took time to work on the structures and the patterns a lot before going to record. We also recorded live, so we can get to feel the feelings and emotions of playing more. On the other albums, we recorded “the usual way”. I think this album is just more mature.
And the last question - you as musicians people for which art it isn't simple a hobby, but it is rather an a part of the life how you treat what products of your efforts become public property which without special difficulties can be found in boundless space of the Internet? how do you think the Internet is the assistant for musicians or you have other opinions about this?
I think that for a band the size of us, the more people will know about us, the more we will be happy. The best thing for us is people attending to concerts and buying our stuff. We are also very happy when we sell albums or songs on the internet, but we have to be absolutely modern: today, people just download things. We cannot go against it, so if new people might like our songs without paying it, well, give it to your friends too!
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