суббота, 30 августа 2014 г.

NAGAARUM 'Rabies Lyssa'

Genre: Experimental/Ambient/Black Metal
Country:  Hungary
Year: Released 09 July 2014 by GS Production

If we talk about Nagaarum, then not immediately will be found words described this madness, which then keeps to the rush, then surprises with a grim calmness and these changes so unexpected that most likely for "Rabies Lyssa" - the new album of the project, you will vainly to try to catch the harmony, you will find a powerful dissonance. I can not help thinking about that maybe this mysterious figure of the Hungarian underground, hiding under the name Nagaarum, was trying to portray symptoms of rabies in such a non-trivial way? Ruthlessly destroying all the clichés that could emerge arise around musical genres, he stressed in this mad creation a line between Dark Ambient and eclectic, that clearly prevails.

Already from the first track becomes apparent that the album is very complex in the plan of the construction, besides by variety musical techniques - vocal and instrumental, emotional effect of this work of art, if I may say so, can not be compared with anything. Quasi the author had a goal to break away from the total musical range that on the one hand his offspring had no analogues in the world, and on the other hand that "don't reinvent the wheel" when we say about new, allegedly unique styles, which are not so in fact.

Only an imagination will be not enough to describe it by words because 
even words can't express those incredible horizons which are opened before us the "Rabies Lyssa".

Listening this album some days in succession, I was able to understand some moments, characterizing the album, for example that songs are constructed on similarity of a nested doll... Each track as if is broken on several pieces. One from this parts can come to an end without waiting for the introduction another therefore there is such effect of overlay of one sounds on absolutely others. And sometimes between them there is the small pause which is capitally confusing - where the beginning? Where end? But we need to think about it? In my opinion, here it is much bigger, than it can be announced by a treklist of an album, simply it must be listened... and though all these unpredictable turns can plunge the listener into collapse, this work has the unique atmosphere and scales, and each sound gets under skin. 

In the musical plan there is not any rationality - if this consists from sounds and this is a music, it is obvious not music, it not sounds are the full chaos which is raising in consciousness the full and unconditional power.

Buy 'Rabies Lyssa'

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Nagaarum on LastFM

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