Recently by the object of my attention became the Brazilian Doom Metal band Lacrima Sanguine who once released the EP "As Autumn Ends" and have stopped while on this release. Probably, this episode of their creative activity could be unnoticed by me, however the origin of group had bribed me - the Latin American scene can't brag of a large number of such collectives, and at those few performers often there are really interesting things. The modest EP which certainly doesn't apply for a rank of "a world masterpiece" on the rarity is really very nice work. Also guys were on the Doomed Serenades-compilation where they presented the song "The House" which hasn't entered in the EP. It prepared for a debut full-album that unfortunately isn't visible yet. The song there is, but the album isn't present... and I already send a private message for one from members of the group, Uri Nobre, that we can bring full clarity concerning to full-release (prepared or preparing? ) and at the same time to present the Lacryma Sanguine for everyone.
Hi, Uri, thanks that you agreed to take your time for us! This is a first interview for the Russian listeners therefore my the first question will be very banal. Tell please how everything began? What inspired you and other members of Lacryma Sanguine on the idea of a creation of group?
I am also grateful to you for advance of our creativity. We began with house rehearsals, gathered, composed, worked over music and developed ideas which were born at us before we became team; some of compositions appeared in 2003, and in 2005 (this year we got acquainted and there was the Lacryma Sanguine) these things was made as materials for EP.
The album exit was late because we were in process of formation of the group, and we had to spend a lot of time for intensive rehearsals before record. We didn't hurry because for us always were important quality and professionalism

Recently in the one Doom Metal community I came across article, where was told about the house which is represented on the album's cover of the "As the autumn ends". Why you chose this illustration? Probably, it is somehow connected with the mood and hints at the main idea of this work?
The building which is represented on the cover of our EP externally is well familiar to us, it looks quite impressive and is on the road of the leader from the capital (where we live) to mountain areas. Everything turned out almost incidentally, we learned house history - under certificates of local inhabitants, after death of the last owner here the paranormal phenomena were observed not once, - and at our texts just there is a history of tragic love. We decided to connect our narration with building history, and everything developed ideally.
I wanna to know personally at you why so there isn't enough information about the album "Amongst These Walls"? Tell, please what is this album and how we (fans and listeners) can get it?
Actually, the album had to release already. That it didn't happen, there is not our fault, we contacted studios which were not really professional - there was lost our material, matter even reached the court. Meanwhile we can't tell anything about album release. But personally I consider that it has to release the latest in 2015 when our group will be 10 years old. All material is already prepared, but because it necessary to begin everything again, we, probably will add a new track. Some fragments of songs can be seen on our channel on youtube (/lacrymasanguinetube), it is records of performances from the last tour.
Tell how there are affairs on the local scene? How many bands in Fortaleza prefer to remain in an underground?
Despite the existence of groups of the highest level, the Brazilian metal meanwhile doesn't get neither worthy support, nor worthy recognition at the national level. At local level everything are even worse. There is a many of the prejudices connected with metal, especially with Doom metal, even some fans are subject to prejudices. Usually we should participate in festivals of trash- or death metal, for the lack of festivals of our genre. In our city now very few Doom metal groups, but existed excellent bands, stopped the activity due to the lack of support. At national level some groups united, among them there is Lacryma Sanguine, released the compilation from things of the Brazilian bands playing in this style, under the name ""Doom Serenades", with a circulation of 1000 copies. Now planned the release of the second part with participation of ten new groups but while date of an exit is unknown.
To sort a music of any genre by the geographical principle it isn't absolutely right, however, many fans Doom/Death Metal allocate the European, American, Russian school of Doom/Death Metal. How do you think, at this music that writes in your country, there are any distinctive features?
In our works distinctly feeling influence of such teams as My Dying Bride, Anathema, Katatonia and Swallow The Sun, however musical preferences of participants of our group very differ - from Rock'N'Roll and Stouner and also blues and bossa-nova to Black Metal. But actually, in Doom Metal which performing here, there are no special Brazilian features, there are only some distinctions in sounding of the American and European bands.
Does give the Lacrima Sanguine live concerts? If so, how often? And how seriously do you attitude to group - what plans at your collective for the future?
The compilation the "Doomed Serenades" turned out as a result of the association of members of several Brazilian groups known as "the Union of the Doom Metal Br" for creation of a social network and strengthening Brazilian Doom-Metal scene. For us a honor to be invited to there, we took part in activity of association and us invited to participate in the first collection. The song "The House" was chosen because it was our actual single and by means of this composition we advanced our creativity.
If you will get suggest to re-release your albums, for example, in the Russia, but circulation will be small. You will accept this offer?
Why not? It is good when your work someone advance even if in small scale. Even because, as far as I know, in Russia there are a lot fans of Death/Doom Metal.
Thanks to our group we got acquainted with many people from Russia, they communicated with us on the Internet or in due time bought our EP. It seems that they really love Doom Metal. Perfectly, if our music will be published in this country.
Thank you that for nice conversation and for that you granted our sincere desire to know about you more. What you want to tell for our readers?
I on behalf of members of the Lacryma Sanguine thank for interview and for interest to our group. We know about Russia enought much because how I spoke earlier, we communicated with people whom interests our group and opportunity to buy our CD, at us there are a lot of fans and judges, we hope to play in live in your country and to drink the real Russian vodka in a circle of all these remarkable people!
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