The British one-man band Sylvan Circle recently supplemented ranks of releases of the Moscow label the GS Prod. by the debut named "Transition State". Despite of the fact that project of James Cruikshank at first look can seem as a dilettante thing the first album have demonstrated very good results, having shown to the public very contemplate and atmospheric work issued within the concept sending us to a problem of the loneliness with with all its drama. Anyway Sylvan Circle is in the beginning of the way therefore this interview will become as a peculiar advance in information support for the young project which doesn't stop and promises in the near future the to show self mastership in new and more serious opuses. We will be wait =). But now, I am greeting for James Crukshank and his truthful narration about the hardships, borne by young musicians.
Hi! I have for you one offer which (how I am thinking) can interest you - I would like to organize the interview with you within need to find out about your project as much as possible, with your permission, certainly =). We can do it in near time?
Yes, we can
How you came to that are you engaging now? I speak about your project as a whole and chosen stylistics for it .
How did I start? Well I started teaching myself to play the guitar about 6 years ago. I always preferred the more melancholic side of music. It took me a long time to decide to start writing my own music, I didn't start writing until I had been playing for 5 years or so. When I first started Sylvan Circle I didn't have any idea what direction I wanted to go in. So I just kept writing lots and lots of songs, and slowly developed a sound I thought I could make work. I liked the wide, slow sounds of ambient music and I enjoyed the arrangements and melodies found in post rock, so I decided to start going that way.
The "Transition State" is your first full work or on by this album there are still any records about which we don't know?
The "Transition State" is my first and currently my only official release. I wouldn't call it a full album though, it's not quite long enough, it's more like a mini-album.
Material is rather volume that causes desire to call this release the full conceptual work. By the way about the concept of an album. Names of songs seem absolutely deprived of some link among themselves, but nevertheless some certain sense is enclosed in them. Tell shortly about what images you represented, composing music for this album?
At the time in my life when I wrote it I felt like I was going through a big change in my life. I'm young and was at university and was facing graduating, getting a career, moving on in my life, losing friends, moving away, that sort of thing. The theme as a whole was about that change, being in twilight and some of the feelings that come with it. It's not intended to be a story, it's an arrangement of feelings and ideas all stemming from one theme (change). For example, "52 Hertz" is a reference to what scientists call "the loneliest whale in the world". It focusses on loneliness and how I did feel alone while facing these big transitions in life. "A Turn Of The Screw" was written when I was particularly stressed and frustrated and is about how the days can grind on you. It seems like nonsense sometimes, but of course everybody interprets things differently and it made sense to me when I wrote it.

Tell about a cover of your album? How do you interprete a visual design of it?
It was done by a friend of mine. I gave her the music, the name and the general theme of it and let her do her magic. Obviously there were lots of ideas to filter out but I really thought the final artwork was really good and captured the album visually very well. The general interpretation of it is pretty obvious I think, given the name and what we've discussed previously, transition and the butterfly breaking free from its cocoon.
On the debut album of Sylvan Circle it is instrumental music. Why you decided to concentrate on the instrumental part of the songs?
The answer to this is short and simple: I can't sing very well! I'm not confident in my voice, and I don't have much experience in writing lyrics either. Maybe in the future I might try guest vocalists, or even try singing myself if I feel confident enough. We'll see.
That is you don't exclude, what we have chances to hear your voice in further records?)
I'm not excluding it at all, it's definitely possible. Future releases could well include either my voice, or the voice of somebody else. It depends if I can write a song that I feel really deserves a good, strong voice.
What can you tell about future prospects of development of your project? How soon we can expect new works?
I'm working on a new album right now, but I can't say when it will be finished exactly. I can estimate that it will be out some time in the next 6 months or so. It depends how quickly the writing process goes and if I can make something that I'm happy with. I have 16 songs written and 4 recorded, with more to come; I intend on having 11 or 12 tracks on the finished product. I think this one will be much better than Transition State. My songwriting's getting a lot better and I'm getting more of an idea of what I want to do, you can expect more songs like Autumn and Shatter. I've also started using acoustic guitars now to mix things up a bit.
That is on a new album it is possible to wait for some instrumental variety?
Yes, I'm trying to expand and bring in some diversity. I think "Transition State" was repetitive, so I'm trying hard to break that and use every tool I have as well as I can.
How your first creation appeared in Russia? And are you happy by this release?
I'm extremely happy! I was contacted directly by GSP, I didn't do anything to reach out to any labels. I never thought I'd ever have CDs released of my music, I was humbled and thrilled when GSProductions contacted me.
Well. It is excellent start! I hope that with the future releases you with the greatest confidence will earn respect for the your project). You watch for development of rock scene? Have you any inspirers in the form of musical performers?
Yeah, I do follow the scene. I listen to a fair amount of post rock, such as God Is An Astronaut, Maybeshewill, Mogwai. I listen to a lot of Anathema, Porcupine Tree, Karnivool, Katatonia, A Perfect Circle, Riverside and TesseracT. I have a broad range of music I listen to, but those were the kinds of artists I'd say that have a bigger influence on my musical style.
In June on a wall of your official page there were publications referring to a demo of a new song on Soundcloud. Now this track is inaccessible. will be at us an opportunity to estimate it soon? It will be include to new album?
Ahh, you saw that? Haha! Yes, that song is going on the new album. I pulled it down because I had a change of heart and wanted to make a couple of last minute changes, so I might upload it again soon. Give me a week or two and I'll have a preview of some new material that I know will definitely be on the album.
Have you a desire to work in full-fledged collective or you prefer individual creative activity?
I like the freedom and opportunity for expression from being a solo project, but at the same time I would love for the opportunity to work as part of a band and get direct feedback from my ideas and learn from other musicians. Sylvan Circle will always be a solo project, but I might start a side project or two as a band one day.
Have you already ideas of future projects?
Not right now. I'm always looking to grow and improve, and if I see the chance to start another project when the time is right, I will.
Well, thank you very much for your time and for letting us take a closer look with Sylvan Сircle and you). You are young, you have a lot of plans for the future regarding your creativity, you're the composer has interesting ideas, so I sincerely wish you to reap success and I hope that this is our first interview, but not the last!
Thank you! It was a pleasure. I look forward to potentially hearing from you again
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