Good music has such surprising feature to penetrate in the most unknown thickets of a soul and to bewitch by the incredible power which is unique if to adopt its actual value from the point of view of assistance to spiritual growth of the personality. But for Lynn Stokes and Sol Surfers that phase came long ago marking disclosure not only their creative opportunities, but also that spiritual maturity that comes under the influence of desire to create sincere and deep artifacts of the art. About this collective from Texas don't go legends, but music which they performe could stand on one pedestal near with heroes of classics rock like Pink Floyd and Bob Dillan. I was pleased sincerely with that today we will have a good opportunity to know much better about these not well-known, but talented and skilled musicians.
Good day, thanks for agreeing to be interviewed) I have absolute confidence in that our dialogue will be very interesting for everybody who knows your music or for those who wants to get acquainted with it. Despite that about your band so little information you seem very solid.
There were different musicians on each recording project. I live in Texas so there are a lot of very talented musicians if many genres to work with. All of my CD's have been personal projects that I conceive and then collaborate where needed. My first CD "Off To Sea Once More" involved primarily existing songs some of which consisted of lyrics only, to which I wrote the music. This was in 2001 and with the advent of the internet I was able to research and find incredible historical songs, old sea chanteys of which only the lyrics survived to modern times. This allowed me the freedom to create melodies and music for these lyrics. I listened to existing recordings of modern artists who perform sea chantey music to get a feel for the genre. The lyrics are very emotional and the themes are potent and sometimes crude or harsh and brutally honest.
Now explain to us one interesting thing from your biography. Lynn Stokes and the Sol Surfers is a single, indivisible whole?
Sol Surfers was a band I formed in 2007 after I began writing my own songs, music and lyrics. I had a burst of creativity in 2005 and 2006 so I recorded my first, all original CD titled "Sol Surfers" and began performing them in live settings, clubs, etc. So, no, Lynn Stokes and Sol Surfers is not an unchanging entity. I have had many musicians play in Sol Surfers over the years.

Everyone who heard your music, notes the similarity of the legendary Pink Floyd. What do you think?
Well, I have to admit that when discussing the project with Roland Perez who did all of the keyboard work, we discovered that we were both Pink Floyd fans and we decided that was a good vibe to shoot for. So a lot of the keyboard stuff is definitely Pink Floyd inspired. Having said that, I really don't see it as sounding that much like Pink Floyd myself so I was kind of surprised and the comparisons in the reviews. I enjoyed it to a certain extent, being such a fan of Pink Floyd. I have been criticized by some for sounding too much like Pink Floyd, but in general most of the reviews have been positive.
On the your official website presented your music awards. Tell please more about it?
Once I had recorded "Terra Nocturne" I thought I had a pretty good piece of artistic music so I began marketing by simply sending the CD to various music organizations. I sent it to the Progressive Rock Hall of Fame and they included the song "Sacred Moon's Light" on their compilation CD. I sent it to a website called RadioIndy and they gave it a "GrIndy Award". Mike Pinder from the Moody Blues had a song writing contest and "American Dream" won a Top Ten Award. Also, The Academy of Texas Music awarded "Terra Nocturne" with a Founders Award for Artistic Excellence.
If I am not mistaken, one fine day you happened to get acquainted with Bob Dylan? Tell about this curious episode of the your musical career?
In 1991 I was in a country rock band called Creed Taylor and the Travellers. We were chosen to open for Bob Dylan at a concert in San Antonio, Texas for a crowd of 5000 people. That was really a highlight of my career. We got to meet Bob back stage before the show. He was very quiet and reserved. We did a good job opening for him and he complimented us to the crowd during his performance.
How many albums is totaled your discography today?
I only have 3 CD's out now but I am working on an instrumental surf rock project that will come out next year. That band will be called "The Sonic Waves".
Perhaps you noticed, that the album "Terra Nocturne" is favourite at reviewers and your fans? Than it can explaining - by captivating special aura of an album or that you completely opened the your skill? And maybe that and another at the same time?
I had spent a lot of time learning the recording process making the Sol Surfers record and so as soon as I finished that one I started writing new material, some of which was based on ideas that had been floating around in my mind for years. "Terra Nocturne" is a magical album. The way the songs came and then the way the recording came together. In a way it was pure luck because I spent a year on it and I didn't really know how it would come out. I had many, many studio tracks and studio takes so the editing job was enormous. I couldn't afford to hire someone to do that so I learned ProTools music software and did all the editing at my house in the evenings. I probably spent 100 hours on editing. I hope to make a follow up album to "Terra Nocturne" someday and I only hope I can recapture the magic.
As far as I understand, you devote to concert activity considerable part of the time? Where you go on tours? It happened to you to visit with concerts the Europe or you usually appear on local scene?
I play regular shows here around the area that I live and then I go to Germany occasionally because I have contacts there.
What brought you into the Russian label?
I'm not sure how that happened really. I know "Terra Nocturne" is more popular in Europe and Russia and other overseas place than it is in the US so someone heard it and really liked it I suppose. I have toured in Germany twice so maybe it got a foothold from that.
You are happy with re-realise 'Terra Nocturne'?
Yes! The artwork and packaging is superb! Better than the original!
You are adherents of the old "classical" school of the rock music and do you aspire to expand borders of this genre?
I grew up in the classic rock period so that is a huge influence. I never really considered "Terra Nocturne" as Progressive Rock but many people call it that. I really don't relate to the labels of music that much. My primary objective is to make relevant music that people relate to and enjoy.
And what do you think about creativity of younger art-, blues- and and suchlike collectives? In other words, how do you think,justify a their existence new tendencies of development of such mature music?
I think new or young artists can benefit from studying older or existing musical genre's of a wide variety and really learn how to work with all the elements of music. Organic complete music incorporates all of the various elements in a balanced fashion. So you can't ignore one element in favor of the others. For example melody is important as is rhythm and texture. There has to be a balance of all elements for my taste.
For you it is more important the lyrical or musical concept?
Lyrics are important depending on your objective. If you have a concept that does not include lyrics it can still be successful. Lyrics are the hardest part for me. Maybe that is why I am focusing on instrumentals right now.
Call key aspects of your creativity?
My creative success comes from keeping my heart centered in the love of the universe and my mind clear and always listening to my inner voice.
How often you give interviews?
I am not asked to give interviews very often but I don't mind at all.
How do you think an attention of the press is guarantee of success of the musical performers?
The press is important but not as important as the creative project itself. If you have a good product you will attract an audience and perhaps even the attention of the press.
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